Understanding John Stuart Mill

Understanding John Stuart Mill

Understanding John Stuart Mill, like all books in the philosophical classics series, is a guide or companion for beginning philosophy and political science students. 

The guides are for smart students who are reading classic philosophical works for the first time. I use the words "smart students" not to designate high IQ, but to refer to students who want to not only understand Mill's central ideas, but also to learn how to think critically about issues in ethics and political philosophy. 

John Stuart Mill is generally regarded as a genius and this is displayed in his nineteenth century prose. But in Professor Houlgate's 51 years of experience teaching Mill and other great philosophers he became aware early in his career that beginning students need a guide to help them through these two classic books.

All study guides in the series break down the book into short sections and explain, in clear twenty-first century English, the progress of Mill's argument. At the conclusion of the chapter, students can test themselves and others by answering Questions for Thought and Discussion.This approach has worked in classrooms and we are certain it will work for you and all those who want to understand two of the greatest books in the history of Western philosophy: Utilitarianism and On Liberty.

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